Saturday, October 5, 2013

Workout log: Tough Mudder 28 days out

My workout plans for today: Lifting and running.

Vertical Pressing/Pulling + Squats followed by a 3-4 mile run, depending on how hot it is outside.

- Dumbbell shoulder presses
- Supinated-grip chinups with gright slightly wider than shoulder width
- Barbell front squats
- Run with a 9:30 min pace for 3-4 miles

Fasted state except for cup of coffee made with instant Cafe Bustello, Splenda, heavy whipping cream.

Planning on refueling afterwards with water, bratwurst, and beer at Oktoberfest with wife and friends from work, followed by evening birthday dinner at Chinese buffet for my father.  2-3 fish oil capsules and one half a multi-vitamin following one of those meals.

How I'll navigate Oktoberfest paleo-style:

- Avoid the spaetzle, pretzels, and minimize schnitzel consumption
- Eat plenty of veges and non-breaded meats
- Minimize beer consumption

How I'll navigate the Chinese buffet:
- Vu's buffet method: plate #1 must be at least 1/2 vegetables with limited sauces
- Eat only meat and vegetables, no rice or noodles; only rice allowed is from sushi, no sushi allowed until after plate #1 is fully consumed
- Drink Miller Lite because it will be the daily drink special...and it's great taste and less filling

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